FEB. 2, 2022


PET-  Around 7 years ago, my family wanted to expand the family, so we decided to go to an adoption shelter and found a chubby, stubborn beagle who loved yogurt (according to the workers). Most of the time, he was well behaved, however we later found out that he had developed anxiety, so in the midst of his panic he loved to destroy things. From scratching a hole in our door to ripping up my dad’s favorite jacket, Mac always kept us on our feet and never failed to surprise us.

FEB. 7, 2022


SKILLS- One thing I think I am good at would probably be how flexible I can be when it comes to communicating with others. Regardless of the age group, I can easily start a conversation with anyone and that inter-personal space we create allows them to talk with me about anything in the world. From a two year to a 74 year old person, I can speak, connect with them and form a bond with them. This would help me in the medical field because the skills would come in handy as I encounter patients, and allow me to connect with them to provide them with the best care possible.


One day we woke up to the whines and meows of my cat mochi. He seemed a bit bloated and in pain, however we just believed that it was just a stomachache. Later during the day, we saw no improvement so my mom insisted that we should take in to the vet. They examined him and said “Yup, he has bowel problems AND is probably going to die in 5, 4, 3,….no, no not now hehe but definitely in the morning if we don’t treat he asap” I started to freak out and shed a few tears because I didn’t want my squishy mochi to die. He stayed overnight and thankfully the medications helped him eventually get back to running around house even though he was a bit high.



I think the most difficult part of the assignment would be figuring out how to start the intro of the essay itself. It took a while to see how to start off in order to make it interesting for the reader, something to grab their attention. The easiest part would most likely be writing about my experiences and how they have slowly shaped me or continue to do so as I grow.


  1. Proofreading (grammar, punctuation etc.)
  2. Be aware of your audience
  3. Concise  (highlights key points)
  1. Don’t be repetitive
  2. Disorganization (lack of structure)
  3. Don’t be unoriginal

Review of Literature Ideas: things that interest me

  1. Psychological Adjustment in Adult Adoptees
  2. Psychological effects on adoption
  3. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Tochi Review of Literature

-Exploring the evolution of women’s oppression: Breaking down how women in history and in our current society have contributed to their own oppression…(ex. Euro centric…evolutionary perceptive (shape and significance of feminine beauty) beauty standards and exclusion of women between women, historical examples: women suffrage (interest for one’s benefit) (rethinking identity and coalitional politics)


I guess how to start: like should I start broad (phycological problems in adopted children and then get specific about just focusing on reactive attachment disorder

I like my sources and I think they are broad enough but specific in order to cover all the parts


  • Don’t know what topic
  • How in depth do I have to go for each reference


What makes a strong research paper?

** Strong key points/arguments and supporting evidence ( making it substantial)

*** Organized and well structured


Being Human

What distinguishes a human from an animal or another organism is that, at some point in its development, a human seeks something more than just a way to survive.

Perhaps a goal, a path to follow, a life. And along the way, values, morality, and intelligence take shape, essentially forming each individual human. Being human involves helping your neighbor, making mistakes and getting back up, experiencing a wide range of emotions, and dreaming without boundaries. I believe we are most human in those small or large moments when we are our most authentic, true, and vulnerable selves.

The author appeared to take a more scientific and philosophical approach in the article. He claims that we have a tendency to associate “being human” with “our own kind.” This essentially means that the speaker believes the other person is a member of “their own natural kind.”However, this can be both a positive and negative mindset, as we have seen many instances in history where humans do not treat other humans properly because “they are not their natural kind.” The author mentions several events of discrimination and hatred that have occurred over the years and, sadly, continue to occur.

We have to keep reminding each other that we are all creating equally and push each other to be more kind to one another. Because we all are human.

APA Format Cited Sources

Chapman, S. (2002). Focus on Practice: Reactive attachment disorder. British Journal of Special Education29(2), 91–95.

Follan, M., & McNamara, M. (2013). A fragile bond: adoptive parents’ experiences of caring for children with a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder. Journal of Clinical Nursing23(7–8), 1076–1085.

Stinehart, M. A., Scott, D. A., & Barfield, H. G. (2012). Reactive Attachment Disorder in Adopted and Foster Care Children. The Family Journal20(4), 355–360.

Wimmer, J. S., Elizabeth Vonk, M., & Reeves, P. M. (2009). Adoptive Mothers’ Perceptions of Reactive Attachment Disorder Therapy and its Impact on Family Functioning. Clinical Social Work Journal38(1), 120–131.

Humans And the Earth

It is our job, in my opinion, to protect and give back to the place we call home. It is our responsibility to respect, preserve, and conserve the environment in which we live, as well as all other organisms that share it with us. However, because of our human nature, we tend to look for things that benefit us and choose to ignore or are too preoccupied with our own world to notice how much harm our actions create.

“Companies are attempting to find loopholes in their business to avoid taking action,” Greta Thunberg said in her address, and this can be applied to us in our daily lives as well. When we hear about climate change, animal mistreatment, or other environmental issues, I believe most of us think to ourselves, “My pets aren’t being harmed, and I live far away from any glaciers, therefore this has nothing to do with me,” and go about our daily lives. However, it is relevant to us and future generations. Thunberg made an important point when she highlighted the word “urgency,” and I believe that most people will begin to act when their own lives begin to collapse and they experience that sense of urgency.

To rescue our planet, change must occur on all levels; we were placed here, and it is the least we can do for everything it has done for humanity.