Writing in the Sciences was definitely one of the most different English classes I’ve had to take. This class helped me improve my scientific and analytical writing skills, as well as my ability to present my findings to others. I was able to identify and recognize various types of writing styles, as well as how information was addressed and presented to the audience. Furthermore, the two major essays assisted me in developing reading, drafting, revising, and editing strategies. Having the ability to revise my rough draft and gain feedback from my peers improved my understanding of the assignments and gave me a better idea of what my final paper should look like. In addition, the professor assisted by providing examples of previous assignments.

I was able to learn and understand how to use sources effectively throughout the course. As I read my sources, I became more familiar with the various analytical strategies used throughout the articles. Highlighting, annotating, and researching background information for the sources, particularly the journal ones, was extremely beneficial. This aided my editing and revising process by providing structure and a solid foundation for my writing.

I also enjoyed the group activities we did. From projects to in-class debates, it is a great place to engage with the class, share our own interpretations of texts/topics, and help each other improve in our writing. Peer feedback was also extremely beneficial. As I analyzed other papers, I was not only able to receive constructive feedback that helped me strengthen my paper, but I was also able to see the range of linguistic differences in the sources/genres that my classmates used. It was interesting to see how each person used a variety of genres to convey their message, ranging from blogs and paintings to social media posts and magazines, among other things.

Overall, this class has allowed me to not only improve my writing but also my analytical skills. Although I am still learning more about this concept and how to effectively analyze pieces of literature and make scientific connections, I have seen progress and hope to continue.